We will meet at Pulborough Brooks RSPB reserve and the photoshoot will be split into two sessions, the first a walk around the triangle heathland followed by a walk around the reserve. The heather on the heathland is just coming into bloom, it is photogenic in its own right and attracts a variety of invertebrates just waiting to have their photos taken. There is also plenty of heathland specific plantlife for those not too keen on spiders. The reserve itself has a multitude of insects (dragonflies, butterflies et al) and plants and you never know we might get a view of a White Tailed Sea Eagle. We won’t now I’ve said it. You can enjoy your photography with or without a dedicated macro lens but a lens with close focus might be beneficial.
I am going to make a day of it so the times are as follows:
- Triangle heathland 10am until 11.30am then a quick visit to an area near the cafe to photograph the mining bee nests. Hopefully they will still be there.
- Lunch in the cafe 12.30 - 1.30.
- From 1.30 onwards a walk around the reserve until you want to leave. (Dogs not allowed)
- You can do both or come along for the morning or afternoon session only.
If you are an RSPB member it’s all free. The heathland is also free but if you are not a member then entrance to the reserve is £4 per person and all day parking £3 per car.
Jane, I have provisionally booked you a tramper for the afternoon session. They’re not up to the heathland terrain. Can you all please let me know if you are coming and to which of the sessions. I’ll send a reminder a few days before.
We intend to view and discuss our photo’s at a hints and tips session at Thakeham Village Hall, date and time to follow.